Over the years I’ve spent 100s of hours if not 1000s in search of my passion and purpose.
Just the idea that there is this big purpose to your life and the fact that you don’t have it, or that I didn’t have it created this huge void in my heart.
There was something out there, that I didn’t have, and I wanted to get it.
What a load of psychological misery all these programs that promise to help you find your purpose.
Because when you do find it what this purpose comes down to is nothing but a thought of how your future is going to go – “I’m here to serve the children”, “I’m here to save the environment”.
Amazing, how does that impact how your day is going to go tomorrow?
Instead… what I’ve discovered that the most effective way to see purpose is that we can’t even imagine what is waiting for us in the future, so the only purpose there ever will be is to experience the very moment you’re in.
Right here. Right now.
And passion?
I remember Tony Robbins tapes like it was yesterday “Live with passion!” Similar overwhelming idea that there is some big passion I need to find that I do not have right now.
Spent sleepless nights trying to find that one, as well… maybe you could relate.
Now passion is nothing more than the answer to the question – what is the most exciting thing I want to do next out of the options that are available to me right now, including resting or doing nothing at all.
You combine these two – that your purpose is to experience the very moment you’re in, and using your passion compass to help guide you what seems to be the most inspiring step to take next – these two alone will lead you to a life you couldn’t even imagine and fulfill on your biggest purpose with your greatest passion there could ever be.
Try this on?
Then wire me the funds you saved from not attending the next “help me find my purpose and passion” course.
– Dmitri “Passionate Moment” Sennikov